Product Photography


Shopify Plus

In-house Photography

As part of the new Shopify Plus website roll out we were tasked with shooting merchant product shots. I, along with a small team procured, lit, shot, and edited real merchant products.

How we did it

We feature the products our customers make as much as possible. To showcase products in the most sophisticated light we photographed them against a dark backdrop, then cropped and superimposed on a deep indigo background.


Real products, limited resources.

Like all things in the early stages of Shopify, this project was quite scrappy. Without access to a proper photography studio and a limited budget, we did what we could with equipment on hand. All of the products used on the website were shot and edited in-house (some literally in my house) by myself or one other photographer.


The Results

The final result was a suite of product photos taken by myself and one other in-house designer. These photos are used in the headers of the Shopify Plus “Industries” section of the website.


Cyclone Spin Studio


Shopify Plus Brand